Court of Justice, Fifth Chamber
8 September 2022, Case C‑263/21
(Asociación Multisectorial de Empresas de la Electrónica, las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, de las Telecomunicaciones y de los Contenidos Digitales (Ametic) v Administracíon del Estado, (EGEDA), (ADEPI), (AIE), (AISGE),Ventanilla Única Digital, (DAMA), (CEDRO), (AGEDI), (SGAE))
Reference for a preliminary ruling – Copyright and related rights – Directive 2001/29/EC – Article 5(2)(b) – Exclusive reproduction right –
Exception – Copies for private use – Levy – Ex ante exemption – Exemption certificate issued by a private law entity controlled solely by copyright management societies – Powers of review of that entity Article 5(2)(b) of Directive 2001/29 and the principle of equal treatment must be interpreted as not precluding national legislation which empowers a legal person, which is established and controlled by intellectual property rights management organisations and which is entrusted with the management of (i) exemptions from payment in respect of compensation for private copying and (ii) reimbursements in respect of such compensation, to request access to the information necessary for the exercise of the powers of review conferred on it in that regard, without it being possible, in particular, for the person under review to
rely on the confidentiality of business accounts provided for by national law, that legal person being obliged to safeguard the confidential nature of the information obtained.
categoria:European Case Law